Friday, April 30, 2010

Learning about Entreprenueurship through TWITTER! Tweet Tweet

For those of you interested in Twitter, here are a few links to explore! The first link was created by Mashable, a social media guide that specializes in Facebook, Twitter, and everything in between. The 2nd list is from SMM Guru, which is kinda vague about their company but nevertheless, offers a great collection of entrepreneurs. The last list is exactly as it sounds, 100 twitter feeds for young entrepreneurs. Check out Melik Yuksel (gotmelik) from Houston, TX. He is a 15 year old graphic designer, blogger, and entrepreneur who has almost 40,000 followers (wow). I'm pretty impressed. Also check out Ben Lang (entreprenueurpro) to learn more about teen entrepreneurs. He also has a lot of neat videos and links to explore.

Many of these entreprenueurs tweet about their experiences and offer advice. Together these individuals provide a diverse spectrum of entreprenuership and I hope you find some use out of them. Enjoy!

1. Top 10 (according to Mashable)

2. Top 20 Entreprenuers on Twitter (according to SMMGURU)

3. Top 100 Twitter Feeds for Young Entreprenuers

This last one is just for fun! Facebook is now giving business window decals to help promote themselves. I kinda like the idea, especially since you can just text the number on the decal and the business will get a thumbs up! Talk about a great way to get some quick publicity!

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